Dear Larsen Parents and Staff: Larsen is voting in a new PTA (Parent Teacher Association) board. Anyone interested in running for a position, please contact the office by May 15 at (805)986-8740 ext. 2495 and leave your full name and phone number. We will announce the new board next month. Here are the current 2020-2021 Board Nominees: President: Karen Whitmer Secretary: Alma Aguilar VP Programs: Jennifer Buckley VP Ways and Means: Lisa Chavez VP Membership: Leticia Maciel Treasurer: OPEN Thank you! ~Larsen School PTA
over 4 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Dear Larsen students and families, I wanted to thank you for coming out and showing your appreciation for our teachers today. It was so awesome seeing so many smiling faces in our parade route. Hope you felt the love ā¤ļø Larsen teachers were bringing to all of you. We truly miss you and care for you! PLEASE be sure to keep your studies up, keep connecting with your teachers and stay healthy. Together weā€™ll get through thisšŸ‘ŠšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½. Love, Mrs. Guillen Principal
over 4 years ago, Marisol Guillen
QUERIDAS FAMILIAS de LARSEN , Ā”Venga uno, vengan todos! El maravilloso personal de Larsen estĆ” organizando un pequeƱo DESFILE en la comunidad de Larsen para saludar, difundir un poco de alegrĆ­a y mostrarles cuĆ”nto nos importan. Los extraƱamos mucho y esperamos que puedan caminar hasta la ruta del desfile mientras mantengan distancia social de sus amigos y vecinos (al menos a 6 pies de distancia, por favor). Queremos ver tus hermosos rostros sonrientes. Nuestra caravana saldrĆ” de Larsen a las 4 PM y seguirĆ” la ruta en el mapa a continuaciĆ³n. SiĆ©ntase libre de mostrar su espĆ­ritu escolar; Ā”Viste tus camisetas de Larsen, viste de rojo, haz carteles y / o saca ruido! Ā”BRAVO! Ā”ESTAMOS SƚPER ENTUCIASMADOS POR VERTE! Haga clic aquĆ­ para la RUTA DE DESFILE DE PERSONAL DE LARSEN:
over 4 years ago, Marisol Guillen
DEAR LARSEN FAMILIES, Come one come all! The wonderful Larsen Staff is putting on a small PARADE in the Larsen community to say hello, spread some cheer, and show you how much we care. We miss you all so very much and we hope you can walk down to the parade route while maintaining social distancing from your friends and neighbors (at least 6 feet apart please). We want to see your beautiful smiling faces. Our caravan will be heading out of Larsen and following the route on the map below. Feel free to show your school spirit ; wear your Larsen t-shits, wear red, make posters and /or bring out noisemakers! YAY! WE ARE SUPER EXCITED TO SEE YOU! click here for the LARSEN STAFF PARADE ROUTE:
over 4 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Dear Larsen Families, Please click on the link below for the Monthly Larsen Bulletin regarding Distance Learning. Page 1 English, Page 2 Spanish. Estimadas familias de Larsen, Haga clic en el enlace a continuaciĆ³n para ver el boletĆ­n mensual de Larsen sobre el aprendizage a distancia. Pagina 1 InglĆ©s, PĆ”gina 2 EspaƱol
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Actualizacion de la escuela Larsen: A continuaciĆ³n consulte las fechas y horarios de distribuciĆ³n de tareas escolares en la Larsen. DistribuciĆ³n de asignaciĆ³n de Larsen 2 de abril 2:00-5:00 PM 3 de abril 7:30-11:30 AM Grados TK, K y 1: Las tareas y las boletas de calificaciones se distribuirĆ”n desde la cafeterĆ­a de la escuela. Grados 2, 3, 4 y 5: Las tareas y las boletas de calificaciones se distribuirĆ”n desde el aula de su estudiante. Por su seguridad y la nuestra, pedimos que solamente un adulto (MAMA o PAPA) por familia venga al campus para recoger las tareas de los estudiantes. TambiĆ©n le recomendamos que traiga su propia pluma y la mochila vacia de se su hijo/hija. No es necesario que vengan los alumnos. Tenga en cuenta que es sumamente importante mantener al menos 6 pies de distancia de los demĆ”s.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Larsen School Update: Please see the Larsen School Assignments Distribution dates and times below. Larsen Assignment Distribution April 2 2:00-5:00 PM April 3 7:30-11:30 AM Grades TK, K, and 1: Assignments and report cards will be distributed from the school cafeteria. Grades 2, 3, 4 & 5: Assignments and report cards will be distributed from your studentā€™s classroom. For your safety and ours, we ask that only one adult (MOM or DAD) per family come to campus to pick up student assignments. We also recommend that you bring your own pen and your child's empty backpack. Students do not need to come. Keep in mind that it is extremely important to keep at least 6 feet away from others.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Estimadas familias de la escuela Larsen: Consulte la informaciĆ³n actualizada siguiente sobre DistribuciĆ³n de tareas escolares. Le pedimos amablemente que traiga su propia pluma y la mochila vacĆ­a de su hijo/a cuando recoja su trabajo escolar este jueves y / o viernes. Haga clic en el enlace debajo para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Dear Larsen Families: Please see updated Assignment Distribution information. We ask that you kindly bring your own pen and your child's empty backpack when you pick up their school work this Thursday and/or Friday. Click the link below for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Estimadas familias de Larsen: Esperamos que estĆ©n sanos y seguros; estĆ”n en nuestros corazones y mentes durante este tiempo difĆ­cil. Como saben, estamos comprometidos a proporcionar a los estudiantes la mejor educaciĆ³n posible durante el tiempo de cierre de la escuela. A continuaciĆ³n consulte las fechas y horarios de distribuciĆ³n de tareas escolares en la Larsen. TambiĆ©n distribuiremos libros de enriquecimiento para los que no lo pudieron levantar la semana pasada. DistribuciĆ³n de asignaciĆ³n de Larsen 2 de abril 2:00-5:00 PM 3 de abril 7:30-11:30 AM Grados TK, K y 1: Las tareas y las boletas de calificaciones se distribuirĆ”n desde la cafeterĆ­a de la escuela. Grados 2, 3, 4 y 5: Las tareas y las boletas de calificaciones se distribuirĆ”n desde el aula de su estudiante. Por su seguridad y la nuestra, pedimos que solo un adulto por familia venga al campus para recoger las tareas de los estudiantes. Tenga en cuenta que es sumamente importante mantener al menos 6 pies de distancia de los demĆ”s. TambiĆ©n le recomendamos que traiga su propia pluma. Las tareas se entregarĆ”n a la escuela el 4 de mayo.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Dear Larsen Families, We hope that you are safe and healthy; please know that you are in our hearts and minds through this difficult time. As you know we are committed to providing students with the best education possible throughout our school closure time. Please see the Larsen School Assignments Distribution dates and times below. We will also be passing out enrichment workbooks for those of you that were not able to pick one up last week. Larsen Assignment Distribution April 2 2:00-5:00 PM April 3 7:30-11:30 AM Grades TK, K, and 1: Assignments and report cards will be distributed from the school cafeteria. Grades 2, 3, 4 & 5: Assignments and report cards will be distributed from your studentā€™s classroom. For your safety and ours, we ask that only one adult per family come on campus to pick up student assignments. Please be mindful that it is imperative to keep at least 6 feet away from others. We also highly encourage you to bring your own pen. Assignments will be due back to the school on May 4th.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Estimadas familias de la escuela Larsen: Haga clic en este enlace para obtener informaciĆ³n importante sobre la DISTRIBUCIƓN DE ASIGNACIƓN/TAREAS de su hijo(a) para la prĆ³xima semana.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Dear Larsen Families, Please click on this link for important information about your child's ASSIGNMENT DISTRIBUTION for next week.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Dear Larsen Families, We hope you are doing well during this uncertain time. Together we will get though it. Please know that you can reach out to myself, office staff, or directly to your child's teacher by way of our website Instructions have been posted on the red banner at the bottom of our website. You simply click on MENU, then click on STAFF. There you will find administrators, teachers and office staff emails, school phone number and extensions for each teacher/staff member. Please reach out to us with any questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We hope that you and your families are safe and healthy. Larsen sends it's best wishes.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Larsen Families, Friendly reminder that we are distributing enrichment workbooks now until 11:30 am. Please be sure to only send one person into the cafeteria for pick-up. Come on over!ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” Familias de Larsen, Recordatorio amistoso de que estamos distribuyendo libros de enriquecimiento ahora hasta las 11:30 a.m. AsegĆŗrese de enviar solo una persona a la cafeterĆ­a para que lo recojan. Ā”Vengase!
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Estimadas familias de Larsen: Estamos listos para distribuir libros de enriquecimiento para sus estudiantes hoy a las 12 del mediodĆ­a en la cafeterĆ­a. Solo se abrirĆ” la puerta principal. EnvĆ­e solo una persona (estudiante o adulto) para que recoja los libros. Tenemos conos colocados para que se formen en fila a 6 pies de distancia el uno del otro para seguir el distanciamiento social recomendado. Esperamos que se mantengan sanos y seguros. Larsen les envĆ­a lo mejor. Nos vemos pronto. #LarsenRocks #TeamLarsen
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Libros de enriquecimiento
Dear Larsen Families, We are ready to distribute enrichment workbooks for your student(s) at 12 noon today in the cafeteria. Only the front gate will be opened. Please only send one person (student or adult) to pick up the book(s). We have cones set up so that you are standing 6 feet away from each other in order to follow the recommended social distancing. We hope you are staying safe and healthy. Larsen sends its best. #LarsenRocks #TeamLarsen
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Enrichment Books
ActualizaciĆ³n de Larsen: Estimadas familias de Larsen: por precauciĆ³n, les pedimos respetuosamente que solo envĆ­en a un miembro de la familia por niƱo a la Asamblea de 1er Grado de hoy. Pedimos esto para mantenerlo a usted y a sus hijos lo mĆ”s saludables y seguros posible en este momento difĆ­cil. Gracias por su cooperaciĆ³n y apoyo para mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes y al personal.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Larsen update: Dear Larsen families: out of an abundance of caution we respectfully ask that you please only send one family member per child to todayā€™s 1st Grade Assembly. We ask this to keep you and your children as healthy and safe as possible in this challenging time. Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping our students and staff safe.
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Roadrunner Update: Families, you are invited to our monthly OPEN CAMPUS tomorrow Friday, 3/6, starting at 8:07 on the blacktop! Come see THE CAT IN THE HAT! Tomorrow is also Twin Day! Feel free to dress like one of your friends, no uniform necessary. We can't wait to see you in the morning!_____________________________________ ActualizaciĆ³n correcaminos: Ā” Familias, estĆ”n invitados a nuestro CAMPUS ABIERTO mensual, maƱana viernes 3/6, comenzando a las 8:07 en el patio de juego! Venga a ver EL GATO(THE CAT IN THE HAT)! Ā”MaƱana tambiĆ©n es dĆ­a gemelo! Eres libre de vestirte como uno de tus amigos, no necesitas uniforme si te vistes como gemelo. Ā”Estamos ansiosos por verlos por la maƱana!
almost 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen